Rapid-Q Documentation by William Yu (c)1999 Chapter 12

12. Graphics under Windows

Most of the information contained in this chapter will not apply to the Linux/Unix version, except for the first few sections. If you're a DOS programmer converting your skills to Windows, there are some differences in the way you display graphics, mostly introduced by the concept of events and the multi-tasking nature of Windows.

12.1 Graphics under DOS versus Windows
If you're familiar with DOS programming and not so familiar with Windows programming, you'll probably notice some major differences in the nature of Graphics programming under the two OSes. Under DOS it's much simpler since you don't have to worry about other "programs" interrupting your program. This means what you display/draw on the screen won't erase itself magically, you only worry about what to draw next. However, there is a slight difference under Windows. Although it's perfectly safe to draw on your form, it has several consequences. The most obvious is that another program may "interrupt" the execution/display of your program. Think about minimizing the form or have it hidden under another window. How will Windows know what to redraw once your program gains refocus? You would think that Windows is smart enough to redraw the part that was hidden, but unfortunately we're not that lucky. Your program must tell Windows what to redraw. Windows will tell you that your form requires redrawing by sending messages to your form. In particular, the OnPaint (WM_PAINT) message is sent to the window which requires repainting. It is then your responsibility to provide an OnPaint procedure to your component/form that requires it.

12.2 What components require painting?
All visible components actually, but fortunately most of the work is done by Windows. For example, there's no need to provide an OnPaint method for the QButton class since it's already implemented for you. You can of course write your own Button class as you may have learned in Chapter 10, in which case you'll be writing the OnPaint method for the user. The QForm and QCanvas components are the two most obvious candidates to do graphics on. You can think of QCanvas as your basic DOS graphics screen, what you want drawn should be written inside the OnPaint procedure:
    DECLARE SUB CanvasPaint (Sender AS QCanvas)

    CREATE Form AS QForm
        CREATE Canvas AS QCanvas
            OnPaint = CanvasPaint
        END CREATE

    SUB CanvasPaint (Sender AS QCanvas)
        Sender.FillRect(10,10,100,100,&HFF0000)      '-- Blue box
If you try hiding the form under another Window and then refocus the program, the blue box will still appear. Now try writing something that doesn't utilize the OnPaint procedure:
    CREATE Form AS QForm
        CREATE Canvas AS QCanvas
            FillRect(10,10,100,100,&HFF0000)      '-- Blue box
        END CREATE
Notice anything? Exactly, there is no blue box. The paint message was sent when your form first appears on your desktop, and since you didn't write any OnPaint procedure, there's nothing to draw. So what really happens to that FillRect code? Nothing really, it's still executed, but the next paint message offset it. To understand this better, try this code which will display the blue box when your press the button, but try hiding the window again or minimizing it. Redisplay your window and see what happens:
    DECLARE SUB ButtonClick

    CREATE Form AS QForm
        CREATE Button AS QButton
          OnClick = ButtonClick
        END CREATE
        CREATE Canvas AS QCanvas
        END CREATE

    SUB ButtonClick
When you click your button the blue box will be drawn, however, once you hide part of the window and redisplay your window, you'll probably notice that your blue box has dissappeared.

12.3 Drawing graphics dynamically
As you may have already noticed, if all your graphics are contained in your OnPaint procedure, how do you draw on it dynamically without it erasing itself magically? For this purpose, you'll have to draw on an off-screen graphics bitmap and then in your OnPaint procedure, you just use the Draw method to display the graphic. You can use the QBITMAP component as your off-screen graphics page. Here's some sample code for you to test:

DECLARE SUB CanvasPaint (Sender AS QCanvas)
DECLARE SUB ButtonClick (Sender AS QButton)

' Create bitmap for off-screen use
    BitMap.Height = 100
    BitMap.Width = 100

    Caption = "Simple graphics demonstration"
    CREATE Canvas AS QCanvas
        OnPaint = CanvasPaint
    CREATE SquareButton AS QButton
        Caption = "Draw Square"
        OnClick = ButtonClick
        Left = 150
    CREATE CircleButton AS QButton
        Caption = "Draw Circle"
        OnClick = ButtonClick
        Left = 150
        Top = 50
    CREATE LineButton AS QButton
        Caption = "Draw Line"
        OnClick = ButtonClick
        Left = 150
        Top = 100

SUB CanvasPaint (Sender AS QCanvas)

SUB ButtonClick (Sender AS QButton)
    SELECT CASE Sender.Caption
        CASE "Draw Square"
        CASE "Draw Circle"
        CASE "Draw Line"
    Canvas.Repaint       '-- Tell Canvas to repaint itself.
Sample Output:

Code Details:
Much of the code is self explanatory. The first bit of code creates and initializes the Bitmap component. Since QBitmap is a non-visible component, it does not receive paint messages, so anything you draw on the Bitmap will stay. Now that we have our Bitmap ready, our OnPaint procedure for QCanvas can use the Draw method to paint the Bitmap onto the Canvas. This is what you call double buffering, a similar technique is utilized in DirectX.

12.4 Ownerdraw List and Combo Boxes (including QStringGrid)
Ownerdrawn ListBoxes and ComboBoxes allow you to override the default paint method somewhat. It doesn't really let you redraw the entire interface of a list or combo box, since that's probably not what you want anyway. What it does allow you to do is override the paint method for the data. So instead of just displaying the text fields in your list or combo boxes, you can actually draw pictures in them and/or change the font/color for each individual item. There are 2 types of ownerdraw list/combo boxes. A fixed ownerdrawn list/combo box means that all your items will have a fixed predetermined height. So let's consider the case where one of your pictures is 100 pixels high and another which is only 10 pixels high. If you specify an ItemHeight of say 10, the 100 pixel high picture will actually overlap some of your items since it doesn't have enough room for itself (this can be avoided if you use CopyRect instead of Draw). But in any event, it would have been much better to create variable sized item fields, so you'd use OwnerDrawVariable instead. The only problem with OwnerDrawVariable list/combo boxes is that it requires the programmer to specify the height of each item, it doesn't automatically calculate this field for you. In most cases this isn't that big of a problem, but nonetheless you'll have to store this extra information for each field. How you do this is entirely up to you. To see a working example of ownerdrawn list/combo boxes, look at LISTBOX.BAS included in EXAMPLES.ZIP. You can rewrite the code to work with ComboBoxes. You may notice that you don't implement any OnPaint event, but an OnDrawItem event.

Code Details:
  SUB ListBoxDrawItem(Index AS INTEGER, State AS BYTE, Rect AS QRECT)
    IF State = 0 THEN
      '-- Selected
      ListBox.FillRect(Rect.Left, Rect.Top, Rect.Right, Rect.Bottom, &H00FF00)
      ListBox.FillRect(Rect.Left, Rect.Top, Rect.Right, Rect.Bottom, &HFFFFFF)
    END IF
    ListBox.TextOut(100, Rect.Top+(Rect.Bottom-Rect.Top)/4, ListBox.Item(index), 0, -1)
    ListBox.Draw(Rect.Left, Rect.Top, Bitmap(Index).BMP)
Hopefully the code is self explanatory, but a few things you may notice is that you don't paint the entire listbox (ie. all items), but rather a paint message is sent everytime an item is changed. This item occupies a rectangular region in your listbox, so what the OnDrawItem sends to you is the region of this item (this is the Rect parameter). You should not overstep this bound that has been given to you (ie. don't try to draw outside this region, it's not yours to draw on!). I have not covered QStringGrid in this section, but the same idea persists. You'll have to implement the OnDrawCell event, which is similar to the way you handle OnDrawItem in list/combo boxes.

12.5 Using DirectX
Why is DirectX so popular? This question can be summed up quite frankly without going into much detail. It's faster than Windows GDI (and OpenGL in most cases), it supports most graphics cards, it's free to use, and it provides a lot of the most necessary graphics commands that programmers are looking for without implementing it themselves. Not to mention that it's widely supported and (to some people) easy to use. As you may note, this is not my general opinion about DirectX, but the general public opinion.
Does everyone have DirectX installed? In most cases, yes, it depends what version though. Not everyone will have the latest version, but that usually doesn't matter. DirectX for Rapid-Q only requires v5.0 and may even work for version v3.0 and up (untested). Rapid-Q does not yet support all the features of DirectX, like joystick or 3D programming.
To use DirectX under Rapid-Q, you'll have to know 2 things. In essence, you can think of this off-screen page as already implemented for you (like in the above example where we had to use QBitmap as our off-screen page). You can think of the FLIP operation as a repaint operation just like in the above example. After you understand these 2 concepts, everything else is basically the same. You draw on the DirectX Screen like you would a QCanvas or QBitmap, then FLIP pages when you're ready to display your graphics. It is easier to look at some examples rather than for me to explain it. There is however, one more important topic, that is QDXTimer.
QDXTimer is a specialized timer specifically for DirectX, it provides slightly better precision than QTimer, and controls the frame rate so that your program doesn't run too fast. It may decrease your frame rate if your program is running too fast, but can't do much if your program is chugging along at 5 or 6 frames per second. Please use QDXTimer instead of the standard Windows timer QTimer when animating graphics in DirectX (not necessary but recommended).

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