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The EM_FINDWORDBREAK message finds the next word break before or after the specified character position or retrieves information about the character at that position.


To send this message, call the SendMessage function as follows.
lResult = SendMessage(     // returns LRESULT in lResult
   (HWND) hWndControl,     // handle to destination control
   (UINT) EM_FINDWORDBREAK,     // message ID
   (WPARAM) wParam,     // = (WPARAM) () wParam;
   (LPARAM) lParam     // = (LPARAM) () lParam;


Specifies the find operation. This parameter can be one of the following values.
Returns the character class and word-break flags of the character at the specified position.
Returns TRUE if the character at the specified position is a delimiter, or FALSE otherwise.
Finds the nearest character before the specified position that begins a word.
Finds the next word end before the specified position. This value is the same as WB_PREVBREAK.
Finds the next character that begins a word before the specified position. This value is used during CTRL+LEFT ARROW key processing. This value is the similar to WB_MOVEWORDPREV. See Remarks for more information.
Finds the next character that begins a word after the specified position. This value is used during CTRL+right key processing. This value is similar to WB_MOVEWORDNEXT. See Remarks for more information.
Finds the next character that begins a word after the specified position.
Finds the next end-of-word delimiter after the specified position. This value is the same as WB_NEXTBREAK.
Zero-based character starting position.

Return Value

The message returns a value based on the wParam parameter.

wParamReturn Value
WB_CLASSIFYReturns the character class and word-break flags of the character at the specified position.
WB_ISDELIMITERReturns TRUE if the character at the specified position is a delimiter; otherwise it returns FALSE.
OthersReturns the character index of the word break.


If wParam is WB_LEFT and WB_RIGHT, the word-break procedure finds word breaks only after delimiters. This matches the functionality of an edit control. If wParam is WB_MOVEWORDLEFT or WB_MOVEWORDRIGHT, the word-break procedure also compares character classes and word-break flags.

For information about character classes and word-break flags, see Word and Line Breaks.

Message Information

HeaderDeclared in Richedit.h
Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0

See Also

Rich Edit Controls
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