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The EM_SETCHARFORMAT message sets character formatting in a rich edit control.


To send this message, call the SendMessage function as follows.
lResult = SendMessage(     // returns LRESULT in lResult
   (HWND) hWndControl,     // handle to destination control
   (UINT) EM_SETCHARFORMAT,     // message ID
   (WPARAM) wParam,     // = (WPARAM) () wParam;
   (LPARAM) lParam     // = (LPARAM) () lParam;


Character formatting that applies to the control. If this parameter is zero, the default character format is set. Otherwise, it can be one of the following values.
Applies the formatting to all text in the control.
Applies the formatting to the current selection. If the selection is empty, the character formatting is applied to the insertion point, and the new character format is in effect only until the insertion point changes.
Applies the formatting to the selected word or words. If the selection is empty but the insertion point is inside a word, the formatting is applied to the word. The SCF_WORD value must be used in conjunction with the SCF_SELECTION value.
Pointer to a CHARFORMAT structure specifying the character formatting to use. Only the formatting attributes specified by the dwMask member are changed.

Microsoft® Rich Edit 2.0 and later: This parameter can be a pointer to a CHARFORMAT2 structure, which is an extension of the CHARFORMAT structure. Before sending the EM_SETCHARFORMAT message, set the structure's cbSize member to indicate the version of the structure.

The szFaceName and bCharSet may be overruled when invalid for characters, for example: Arial on kanji characters.

Return Value

If the operation succeeds, the return value is a nonzero value.

If the operation fails, the return value is zero.

Message Information

HeaderDeclared in Richedit.h
Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0

See Also

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