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The EM_SETTARGETDEVICE message sets the target device and line width used for WYSIWYG formatting in a rich edit control.


To send this message, call the SendMessage function as follows.
lResult = SendMessage(     // returns LRESULT in lResult
   (HWND) hWndControl,     // handle to destination control
   (UINT) EM_SETTARGETDEVICE,     // message ID
   (WPARAM) wParam,     // = (WPARAM) () wParam;
   (LPARAM) lParam     // = (LPARAM) () lParam;


Handle to a device context for the target device.
Line width to use for formatting.

Return Value

If the operation succeeds, the return value is a nonzero value.

If the operation fails, the return value is zero.

Message Information

HeaderDeclared in Richedit.h
Minimum operating systems Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0

See Also

Rich Edit Controls
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