
Howdy! We’re about to begin the process to import all of your bBlog entries into WordPress. Before we get started, you need to edit this file (import-bblog.php) and change a few lines so we know where to find your bBlog database. To make this easy put the import file into the wp-admin directory. Look for the line that says:

define('BBLOG_DB', '');

and change it to

define('BBLOG_DB', 'my_database');

Change the rest of the lines at the top as described.

If you've done that and you’re all ready, let's go! Remember that the import process may take a minute or so if you have a large number of entries and comments. Think of all the rebuilding time you'll be saving once it's done. :)

The importer is smart enough not to import duplicates, so you can run this multiple times without worry if—for whatever reason—it doesn't finish.

Check here for details.
' . mysql_error()); } if (!$db=mysql_select_db(BBLOG_DB)) {die('Error selecting database. Make sure your properly edited import-bblog.php. Check here for details.
' . mysql_error());} $sql="SELECT value FROM ".BBLOG_PREFIX."config where name='BLOGNAME'"; $result=mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($result)<1) { die(BBLOG_DB.' does not seem to be a valid database name. Make sure you\'ve properly edited import-bblog.php.
'); } else { echo "Connected to database for blog ". mysql_result($result,0) ."
"; } $sql="SELECT postid, title, body, posttime, sections FROM ".BBLOG_PREFIX."posts"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $postnum=-1; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $postnum++; $posts[$postnum]->id=$row["postid"]; $posts[$postnum]->posttime=$row["posttime"]; $posts[$postnum]->title=$row["title"]; $posts[$postnum]->body=$row["body"]; $sections=explode(":",$row['sections']); foreach ($sections as $id) { if ($id=="") { continue; } else { //$posts[$postnum]->sections[]=$id; $sql="SELECT nicename FROM ".BBLOG_PREFIX."sections WHERE sectionid=$id"; $catres=mysql_query($sql); while ($catrow = mysql_fetch_array($catres)) { $posts[$postnum]->sections[]=$catrow[0]; } } } // Get Comments $sql="SELECT commentid, title, posttime, postername, posteremail, posterwebsite, pubemail, pubwebsite, commenttext FROM ".BBLOG_PREFIX."comments WHERE postid=".$posts[$postnum]->id; $commentres=mysql_query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($commentres)) { if (sizeof($row)>0) { //comment $posts[$postnum]->comments[]->commentid=$row['commentid']; $arrayid=sizeof($posts[$postnum]->comments)-1; $posts[$postnum]->comments[$arrayid]->parentid=$row['parentid']; $posts[$postnum]->comments[$arrayid]->title=mysql_escape_string($row['title']); $posts[$postnum]->comments[$arrayid]->posttime=$row['posttime']; $posts[$postnum]->comments[$arrayid]->postername=mysql_escape_string($row['postername']); $posts[$postnum]->comments[$arrayid]->commenttext=mysql_escape_string($row['commenttext']); if ($row['pubemail']=='1') { $posts[$postnum]->comments[$arrayid]->posteremail=$row['posteremail']; } if ($row['pubwebsite']=='1') { $posts[$postnum]->comments[$arrayid]->posterwebsite=$row['posterwebsite']; } } else { continue; } } } mysql_close($link); mysql_connect($server,$loginsql,$passsql); mysql_select_db($base); foreach ($posts as $post) { if ($post->posttime) { $post_date=strftime("%G-%m-%d %T", $post->posttime); } $post_name = mysql_escape_string(sanitize_title($post->title)); unset($categories); foreach($post->sections as $section) { $categories[]=$section; } $title=mysql_escape_string($post->title); $body=mysql_escape_string($post->body); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $tableposts (post_author, post_date, post_date_gmt, post_content, post_title,post_status, comment_status, ping_status, post_name) VALUES ('$import_userid', '$post_date', '$post_date', '$body', '$title', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '$post_name')"); $post_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ID FROM $tableposts WHERE post_title = '$title' AND post_date = '$post_date'"); $post_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ID FROM $tableposts WHERE post_title = '$title' AND post_date = '$post_date'"); if (!$post_id) die("couldn't get post ID"); if (0 != count($categories)) : foreach ($categories as $post_category) : //$post_category = $post_category;//unhtmlentities($post_category); // See if the category exists yet $cat_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT cat_ID from $tablecategories WHERE cat_name = '$post_category'"); if (!$cat_id && '' != trim($post_category)) { $cat_nicename = sanitize_title($post_category); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $tablecategories (cat_name, category_nicename) VALUES ('$post_category', '$cat_nicename')"); $cat_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT cat_ID from $tablecategories WHERE cat_name = '$post_category'"); } if ('' == trim($post_category)) $cat_id = 1; // Double check it's not there already $exists = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $tablepost2cat WHERE post_id = $post_id AND category_id = $cat_id"); if (!$exists) { $wpdb->query(" INSERT INTO $tablepost2cat (post_id, category_id) VALUES ($post_id, $cat_id) "); } endforeach; else: $exists = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $tablepost2cat WHERE post_id = $post_id AND category_id = 1"); if (!$exists) $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $tablepost2cat (post_id, category_id) VALUES ($post_id, 1) "); endif; if (0 != count($post->comments)) { foreach($post->comments as $comment) { $comment_post_date=strftime("%G-%m-%d %T", $comment->posttime); $author=$comment->postername; $author_email=$comment->posteremail; $author_www=$comment->posterwebsite; $text=$comment->commenttext; $title=$comment->title; $sql="INSERT INTO $tablecomments (comment_post_id,comment_author,comment_author_email,comment_author_url,comment_date,comment_date_gmt,comment_content,comment_approved,comment_author_ip) VALUES('$post_id','$author','$author_email','$author_www','$comment_post_date','$comment_post_date','$text','1','')"; $wpdb->query($sql); } } echo "
  • Inserted post $title
  • "; } ?>

    All done. Have fun!