**** THIS SCRIPT IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED OR SUPPORTED, HOWEVER IF YOU HAVE A PATCH TO SUBMIT, PLEASE EMAIL ITTO THE ADDRESS BELOW! **** If you are using WP 2.0, then Shaolin Tiger sent me a script to import bBlog into WP 2.0. Here is is letter: I changed it so it actually pushes the IP of commentors over to WP from bBlog: Took me ages to get it to correctly update the comment count! Eventually got it to work with: $wpdb->query( "UPDATE $tableposts SET comment_count = '$commentcount' WHERE ID = '$post_id'" ); After a couple of others creating $commentcount. I still can't get the Category count to update! It shows correctly in the control panel (I guess it calculates it every time) but it wont update during import so the categories don't show up on the sidebar, because they are 'empty' in the post_categories table. Also changed it a little to try and make it easier for new users to use and made the output a little more verbose during importing. Thank you Shaolin! His version can be found here in the file import-bblog-wp2.txt. I'm not sure if this will work for 1.5, but if you try it with 1.5, let me know. Download import-bblog.txt into your root wp folder. Rename it import-bblog.php. Then, edit the DEFINE's at the top of the file. Then, just access the webpage via your browser (http://yourblog/import-bblog.php) and follow the instructions. If you get errors about "cannot connect to database" or "mysql query failed", or some other mySQL error, then find this line: mysql_connect($server,$loginsql,$passsql); Change it to: mysql_connect('wp_sql_server','wp_login','wp_pass'); Replace wp_sql_server, wp_login, and wp_pass with the correct values to login to your SQL server for WordPress. And: mysql_select_db($base); To: mysql_select_db('wp_databse'); If you have any other problems/bug reports/patches/kudos, please let me know at taj@wildgardenseed.com.