Clarkia amoena Godetia is the old genus name for what is now universally known as Clarkia, named for Captain William Clark (of the Lewis and Clark Expedition), probably one of the first Europeans to see and make note of it. All species of Clarkia are native to the American west, the showiest ones in California and Oregon west of the Cascades. Close relatives of evening primrose, not far removed from poppies. I've always thought Oregon should plant Clarkia amoena as a native roadside wildflower. There are many species and subspecies.
Grace Salmon NEW FOR 2024! The Grace series includes varieties of all the colors comprising Grace Mix. The colors are so bright they defy the camera’s ability to render them. This variety grows 20-30” tall, with a dozen or more stems per plant. Sow seed 6 weeks before transplanting date. Space 9” apart, and pinch back when 6-8”tall. pricing and more
Grace Mix Incredibly beautiful, large, and long-lasting flowers in variations of red, pink, salmon, lavender, and white, with or without a bright red or pink patch at the heart of the 4 petals. The best Godetia for productive cut flowers. Stunning border, up to 30" tall. pricing and more
Azalea Mix A beautifully upbred version of the west coast wildflower Farewell to Spring, also known as Clarkia. This mix contains all the wild variations in petal color and pattern, but doubled and enlarged. Stems can reach 4-5'. Does well in poor soils and dry conditions. pricing and more