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Flowers (201)
  Achillea/Yarrow (4)
  Ageratum/Floss Flower (1)
  Agrostemma/Corncockles (2)
  Amaranth (5)
  Ammi/False Queen Anne's Lace (2)
  Anemone/Poppy Anemone
  Armeria/Sea Pink (1)
  Artemesia (1)
  Asclepias/Milkweed (5)
  Aster/China Aster (1)
  Baptisia/False Indigo
  Belamcanda/Blackberry Lily (1)
  Bellflowers (1)
  Berlandiera/Chocolate Flower (1)
  Bupleurum/Green Gold Flower
  Calendula (6)
  Carthamus/Safflower (1)
  Catnip (1)
  Celosia (7)
  Chrysanthemum (2)
  Coreopsis (1)
  Cosmos (6)
  Craspedia/Drumstick Flower (1)
  Dahlia (2)
  Datura/Angel's Trumpets
  Daucus/Carrot, Queen Anne's Lace (1)
  Dianthus (6)
  Didiscus (4)
  Echinacea (3)
  Emilia/Tassel Flower (1)
  Eryngium (2)
  Flax (1)
  Gaillardia/Blanket Flower (1)
  Godetia/Clarkia (3)
  Golden Marguerite/Dyer's Chamomile (1)
  Gomphrena/Globe Amaranth
  Helichrysum/Straw Flower (4)
  Iberis/Candytuft (1)
  Larkspur (6)
  Linaria/Toadflax (1)
  Maltese Cross (1)
  Marigolds (3)
  Matricaria/Feverfew (4)
  Mignonette (2)
  Mirabilis/Four O'Clocks (1)
  Moluccella/Bells of Ireland (1)
  Monarda (3)
  Morning Glory (2)
  Navajo Tea (1)
  Nicandra/Shoo-fly Plant (1)
  Nicotiana (3)
  Nigella (8)
  Oenothera/Evening Primrose
  Orlaya (1)
  Poppy (11)
  Poppy, Corn (6)
  Pyrethrum/Painted Daisy
  Rudbeckia/Black-Eyed Susan (9)
  Salpiglossis/Painted Tongue (1)
  Salvia/Sage (4)
  Saponaria (1)
  Scabiosa (12)
  Schizanthus/Angel's Wings (2)
  Silene/Campion (2)
  Snapdragon (2)
  Stocks (2)
  Sweet Pea (1)
  Tithonia/Mexican Sunflower (2)
  Tobacco (1)
  Tweedia/Blue Milkweed
  Verbena (2)
  Veronica (1)
  Xeranthemum (2)
  Zinnia (22)
Amaranth (4)
Angelica (1)
Arugula (1)
Basil (8)
Beet and Chard (4)
Broccoli (1)
Burnet (1)
Celery (5)
Chervil (1)
Chickweed (1)
Collards (1)
Cress: Garden (2)
Cress: Upland (1)
Critter Mixes
Endive & Escarole (13)
Epazote (1)
Fennel (2)
Garland Chrysanthemum
Garlic Chives (1)
Giant Goosefoot
Gift Certificates (7)
Insectary Mix (2)
Kale: European (3)
Kale: Ruso-Siberian (5)
Leeks (3)
Lettuce (68)
Melon: Muskmelon
Mint: Korean (1)
Mustard: Mild (8)
Mustard: Pungent (7)
Orach (5)
Oregano (1)
Parsley (1)
Peppers (12)
Perilla/Shiso (1)
Pumpkin: Hulless Seeded
Purslane (2)
Quinoa (14)
Radish (1)
Salad Mixes (3)
Scallion (1)
Sorrel (1)
Spinach (2)
Strawberry Spinach (1)
Summer Savory (1)
T-Shirts (1)
Tomato (4)
Winter Squash
Flowers: Monarda:
Monarda ssp.
Hardy perennials with strongly aromatic stems 3-4' tall, long labiate flowers in whorls at the nodes and terminally. Prefers medium moist soil and full sun to partial shade. Attractive for hummingbirds, bumblebees, and butterflies.
Seeds Per Packet: 100

Oregon Tilth Certified Organic Seed

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    Product Name-   Buy Now 
 Panorama Mix (Monarda)  Panorama Mix 
All the pink through scarlet past magenta shades that bergamot can achieve, in one broad spectrum mix. pricing and more info...
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 Lambada (Monarda)  Lambada 
Lavender whorls of flowers and citrus scented all over, this tender perennial is attractive in every sense, as part of the pollinator herb garden, or for the exotic side of cut flowers. Makes a wonderful lemon bergamot tea, and I always liked a leaf or two in a serving of salad for the aromatic lift. pricing and more info...
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 Bergamo (Monarda)  Bergamo 
This relatively new cultivar combines mildew resistance with compact stature and a florific habit. The 2’ stems are chocked with magenta flowers whorled around them in 3” intervals. Leaves are fragrant with citrus. Possibly perennial in mild climates, but usually grown as an annual for cut flowers. Start indoors, transplant at a 12” spacing. pricing and more info...
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