Ammi ssp. About 6 species of the Apiaceae, herbaceous perennials native to the Mediterranean, Brazil, and Chile, with smooth, finely pinnate leaves and small white flowers in umbels. Two species are widely grown for the flower trade and have naturalized in the US, where they function as annuals where winters are below 18 degrees F, or as biennials. This is a phytochemically potent genus, with sap that can cause serious dermatitis in sensitive individuals. They contain flavonols, alkaloids, and cumarin in the leaves and seeds, making them potentially toxic to livestock, medicinal with proper use, and aromatic in any case. Seeds Per Packet: 300
White Dill This is an improvement over the species, having larger, whiter flowers, sometimes 5" across. Finer and more delicate than true Queen Anne’s Lace (wild carrot). A 2 week chill below 50F improves germination in the greenhouse, or direct sow early enough that this occurs naturally. Final spacing on 12" centers (and mesh support) is recommended, but some growers plant twice this density where foliar... pricing and more
Green Mist This is a more robust plant than the other species, thicker stems and generally larger, with flowers chartreuse rather than white. Should be planted early (by April 1) for longest stems and to avoid blooming in summer heat. pricing and more