Xeranthemum annuum Native from the Mediterranean to Iran, one of the oldest “everlasting” flowers in commercial circulation. The colored “petals” are actually elongated bracts of the involucre in purple, rose, lilac, or white, surrounding the disc of tubular flowers. Seeds are somewhat hairy, germinating readily. I hadn’t realized that the species also has a medicinal history from Greece. Recent analysis shows strong anti-microbial and antioxidant activity of phenolic extracts from the species. Plants are the original medicines.
White Immortelle The pure white version of this easily dried flower. I haven’t grown this for 35 years, but found it captivating, not remembering what a star it could be on the landscape, or how popular it is with honeybees. Each plant erupts in a display of dozens of sparkling white 1½” flowers on the slimmest of stems. Plants reach about 2’ in height. Space 12” apart. Direct seed or transplant in early ... pricing and more
Mixed Colors NEW FOR 2024! Purple, pink, and white blossoms with papery petals held erect on wiry 18”stems. Suitable for fresh cuts or drying. Plants tolerate poor soil and dry sites. Carefree and very productive. pricing and more