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Open Source Seed Initiative Pledged Varieties

In April of 2014, Wild Garden Seed joined with High Mowing Seed and public breeders at three Land Grant Universities (Oregon, Washington, and Wisconsin) to release seeds of our own breeding under the auspices of the Open Source Seed Initiative, OSSI. The purpose of OSSI is to create an ethically bounded genetic commons. The OSSI Free Seed Pledge does, by public intention, what only endless contracts can do in law. See the original WGS OSSI essay (and follow-up essay) for the details.

We have chosen not to seek PVP or other intellectual property protection for our original varieties. We have studied, argued, consulted, and meditated on the relative virtues and hazards of intellectual property protection in the food sector of life. We have long been involved in an effort to contrive some variation on the use of Creative Commons ‘Copyleft’ and Open Source Software models to provide an open forum use of crop genetics, without fear that corporate entities will patent what others have freely offered. This turns out to be somewhat complex. Seeds are unlike software, words, devices, or even discoveries. To begin with, seeds are alive, while the rest are not. Regardless, these new crop cultivars, their genetics, and the traits they express are freely offered for public use, and are not intended for any kind of privatization or ownership by others, though others may use them in their breeding, farming, or garden-related enterprises.

Below is a list of all OSSI pledged varieties available in our catalog. These varieties are designated throughout our website with the OSSI logo: OSSI Logo

The OSSI Pledge:

“You have the right to use these OSSI-pledged seeds in any way you choose. In return, you pledge not to restrict others’ use of these seeds or their derivatives by patents or other means, and to include this Pledge with any transfer of these seeds or their derivatives.”?

Wild Garden Seed appreciates recognition for its breeding work by those who use it.

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 Fine Petal Pink Peony (Poppy)  Fine Petal Pink Peony Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
Fully doubled into spherical dimensions 4" across by finely dissected rose pink petals. Honeybees disappear in their search for pollen. pricing and more info...
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 Fine Speckled Oak (Lettuce)  Fine Speckled Oak Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
This comes out of the 'Camo Oak' gene pool, a compact midi oak with a dark red coat of the finest speckling, as if it were spray-painted rather than dipped or brushed with rose and crimson. Forms a nice dense colorful heart at full maturity. pricing and more info...
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 Fireball Mix (Zinnia)  Fireball Mix Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
The commercial zinnia 'Peppermint Stick' isn't very true to its name, having as many red-striped golden yellows (and unstriped white and yellow variations) as it does namesake red-striped whites. Those red-gold doubles are a tempting item for isolation, but I suspect that there is considerable genetic instability in that bicolor form. Thi... pricing and more info...
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 Flashback Mix (Calendula)  Flashback Mix Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
Our calendula “Mother of Gene Pools,” named for the flashy red or maroon backs of the petals, which are orange, apricot, peachy, vanilla, or yellow on the facing side-sometimes bicolored or tricolored! At sunset, petals fold up for the night, revealing their flashy backsides. A blooming strip of this helps slow traffic past the farm. pricing and more info...
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 Flashy Butter Oak (Lettuce)  Flashy Butter Oak Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
Released first by our Fedco friends in 2005. We’ve been working toward this blend of ‘Flashy Troutback’ and ‘Emerald Oak’ ever since I laid eyes on the ingredients, circa 1999. This is the first of several variations on the “speckled oakleaf” theme that are in the works. This one combines flashy red splashes with emerald green oak leaves in a compact head. Texture is crisp and butter... pricing and more info...
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 Flashy Lightning Butter-Oak (Lettuce)  Flashy Lightning Butter-Oak Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
Stand Back!! This stuff is hot and in a hurry. A quick heading butter with compact dark green oak leaves, flashy-splashed with dark red, that becomes a beautiful pink in the big blanched heart. First flashes into a unique mini-head, then folds into a dense butter-heart before bolting. A unique blast of lettuce traits. Teen-rated very low on bitterness. pricing and more info...
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 Flashy Trout Back (Lettuce)  Flashy Trout Back Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
This is our own selection derived from the variable cos heirloom ‘Forellenschluse’ (Austrian for “speckled like a trout’s back,” aka ‘Freckles’ in some catalogs) and it has received rave ratings from past trial seasons. ‘Flashy Trout Back’ is uniformly and densely splattered with bright red splashes on a medium green background. Blanched hearts of mature plants look like ‘Cast... pricing and more info...
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 Freedom Mix (Lettuce)  Freedom Mix Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
This is a special gene pool created from lettuces that were identified in the GTF Lettuce Disease Trials of 2002-2004. The three year project, also called the "Hell's Half-Acre lettuce trial," identified the most disease resistant lettuces out of 40 commercial, heirloom, and farm-original varieties. Crossing these disease resistant types (inc. ‘Merlot... pricing and more info...
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 Funny Cut Mix 2020 (Lettuce)  Funny Cut Mix 2020 Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
A cross of ‘Jester’ X ‘Fine Cut Oak’ in the 3rd generation, making for an extremely diverse collection of plant forms. One of the goals is a “frisée form” lettuce, and there is a lot of this to choose from in this generation. On the “whole leaf” end of the genetic spectrum are some miniature heads comprised of small leaves with moss-frilled margins. Between these extremes are endl... pricing and more info...
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 Gatherer's Gold Sweet Italian (Peppers)  Gatherer's Gold Sweet Italian Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
This was the total surprise. We did not expect the bright red hybrid parent of our pepper project to generate beautiful golden versions of the Italian. Large plants with long wrinkled tapered fruits and few seeds. Remains gold even at full maturity. Mature 102 days post-trans. at OSU/Corvallis OR. pricing and more info...
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 Gildenstern (Lettuce)  Gildenstern Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
A golden green sidekick to Rosencrantz, forming icy crisp heads that are suitable for individual salads. A good year-round mini-heading lettuce, even suitable for autumn harvest from early August sowings. Resistant to tip burn, downy mildew, and sclerotinia, slow bolting. The latest release of the “Merlox” derivations, combining ... pricing and more info...
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 Glossy (Epazote)  Glossy Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
A refined selection with smooth green leaves and stems, uniformly aromatic and productive. Rodrigo, our Oaxacan-born field manager, says this is better than his home village kind. pricing and more info...
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 Golden Afternoon (Quinoa)  Golden Afternoon Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
A new variety from crossing Oro d' Valle with lines from Washington State University's breeding program. Seeds are a sunny yellow fresh from the plant, and have good resistance to head sprouting in trials for 2 years running. pricing and more info...
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 Great Wave Miike (Mustard: Pungent)  Great Wave Miike Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
Reselection of the traditional ‘Miike Giant’ strain for especially large tender petioles, and for tender bolted stems with a characteristic undulating “snaky” growth habit. Flavor is very sweet and hot. Leaves are short and broad with smooth margins, wide midribs, and red veins on a light green surface. Can be planted for baby salad anytime, but full heads are at best as a fall crop. Fully... pricing and more info...
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Green Sandwich Cos Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
NEW FOR 2024! From a cross of romaine and crisphead comes this nicely proportioned lettuce perfect for a sandwich or burger. The length and width of the hearting leaves are pretty equal, and the texture is just what we want on our lunch. Sweet and crunchy, doing its sandwich part to perfection. pricing and more info...
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 Home Stoop (Tomato)  Home Stoop Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
'Stupice' was introduced to the US by Abundant Life Seed Foundation along with a number of other East European varieties circa 1980, and immediately found a home on every mountain homestead in the Northwest. Damp hardy and cool adapted, it delivered great flavor and results in marginal situations, but the fruits were small. 'Homestead' was once a commercial variety in Florida, an exact opposite of... pricing and more info...
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 Hyper Red Rumple Waved (Lettuce)  Hyper Red Rumple Waved Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
The most intensely pigmented and deeply savoyed lettuce we sell. Very dark purple-red leaf/semi-cos heads with gorgeous rumpled and puckered hearts. An eye-catching standout in trials from Maine to Philomath High for summer color and autumn cold hardiness. High scores for resistance to Sclerotinia and downy mildew in \'02 and \'03 disease plot trials pricing and more info...
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 Incred Mix (Quinoa)  Incred Mix Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
Closely related to the ‘Fingerhead GP’ with Kaslala influence on seed size and color. Seeds are larger than our original varieties. Seedhead colors are white, pink, yellow, and orange with corresponding seed colors of white, cream, gold, and walnut brown. Could be used as an interesting seed mix, or selected for refined qualities. pricing and more info...
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 Incred White (Quinoa)  Incred White Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
From the Incred population, an early maturing snow white seed producer. Stems are striped green and white, panicle is green-white. Seeds are not as large as the Incred Mix. pricing and more info...
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 Irene Green Gem (Lettuce)  Irene Green Gem Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
One of my favorite lettuce personalities of the year, Irene jumped out of a trial bed like she was ready to go, heading up faster and more uniformly than similar gem contenders. Dark green 6" rosettes quickly form tight fists of crisp white hearts, each a salad for two. From the Island Gems series (Manoa x ... pricing and more info...
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 Italian Red Heart (Peppers)  Italian Red Heart Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
Dark red, thick walled, very sweet and meaty texture, the size of an Italian romantic’s heart. The smooth fruits are easily roasted and skinned. A beautiful pepper to hold or behold. pricing and more info...
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 Ivory (Quinoa)  Ivory Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
Selected out of Brightest Brilliant for resistance to downy mildew and head sprouting, better stem strength, and white seed color. White panicles help prevent seed staining from rain at maturity. This selection has endured 4 days of rain/dampness at maturity without head sprouting. pricing and more info...
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 Jester (Lettuce)  Jester Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
OK--this is it. This is my favorite lettuce of all time. Not quite perfect yet, but this triple cross between Reine d’ Glaces, Merlot, and Flashy Troutback has most of what I love in lettuce. Crisp as ice, glossy, juicy as an apple, perfectly ... pricing and more info...
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 Jimi's Flag (Poppy)  Jimi's Flag Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
Four brilliant scarlet feather-edged petals with deep hazy purple bases on 4' tall stems. This is the namesake variety for the Jimi's Flag Mix we've sold for a few years, the type that made me first think "Jimi's flag..." This comes from a cross of the old 'Danish Flag' by 'Purple Peony.' Dark seeds, attractive pods with opening pores. pricing and more info...
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 Jimi's Flag Mix (Poppy)  Jimi's Flag Mix Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
A color spectrum right off a Hendrix album cover; saturated crimson petals w/ deep purple splashes, solid indigo petals, rosy pinks dappled with white, and a few solid white flowers. Seed color varies from pod to pod, coal black to vanilla, with nut browns and blues in between. Bees go bonkers for poppy pollen, you’ll love the rich tasting seeds. From the cross Danish Flag x Purple Frille... pricing and more info...
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 Jimi's Purple Haze (Poppy)  Jimi's Purple Haze Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
Out of the 'Jimi's Flag' poppy mix, purple petals with dark purple splotches. Purple pods have dark seeds. pricing and more info...
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 Jimi's Snowflakes (Poppy)  Jimi's Snowflakes Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
Crystal white petals with ice-cut edges, tan seed pods with nut-brown seeds, non-bitter and delicious. pricing and more info...
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 Joelene's Rustic Italian (Peppers)  Joelene's Rustic Italian Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
When we started our "farmer's Italian" red pepper project, this is pretty much what we had in mind—a brilliant red with smooth skin, medium thick walls, strong shoulders, fruits averaging 8-9 inches long, tapering to a slightly blunted tip. An early, sweet frying and roasting pepper that keeps long after final harvests in October—we are usually eating these for breakfast with egg... pricing and more info...
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 Karen's Fave (Lettuce)  Karen's Fave Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
NEW FOR 2024! Karen is a lettuce’s harshest critic. Two years ago she asked me what this lettuce was... “It’s the exceptional family R, dear, why do you ask?” She said it was her favorite. That was all it took to label this dark red head with the bright green insides. Full size heads with an open habit that makes harvest easy by the leaf. Toothsome and crisp, each leaf is glossy and muscular from its wi... pricing and more info...
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 Kas White (Quinoa)  Kas White Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
At the opposite end of the pigment spectrum from ‘Kas Red’, this is a pure white derivation from the original ‘Kaslala’ variety we got through Bountiful Gardens. We have a large seeded selection from this population that we’ll be testing next year. pricing and more info...
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Jimi's Purple Haze
Jimi\'s Purple Haze (Poppy)
Jimi's Purple Haze (Poppy)
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