Nigella spp. This well known garden companion makes especially good cut flowers when closely spaced, perhaps on 6" centers, to maximize production of primary flowers and pods with long stems. Overwintered plantings (zone 7 and warmer) and early transplants have longer stems than later plantings that grow in the heat. Seeds Per Packet: 100 Seeds Per Gram: 400 Seeds Per Ounce: 20,000
Transformer Truly unusual in bloom as well as in seed, petals almost inconspicuous between a ring of yellow sepals and a mane of stout stamens surrounding a green fountain of ovary. Fresh cut or dried pod item, productive at an 8" spacing, growing to 18-24". pricing and more
Miss Jekyll Rose A unique pink petal version of nigella, especially interesting for the reddish seedpods, quite distinct from other colors. pricing and more
Delft Blue Five petals with dark purplish blue hues on a white background surround an ornately elaborated blue ovary. Outstanding as a cut flower, and equally valuable as a unique dried seedpod. 2-3' tall. pricing and more
Culinary Seeded NEW FOR 2025! Not to be at all confused with the ornamental Nigellas (damascene, papillosa, and orientalis), the seeds of which are possibly toxic. This is the somewhat mysterious seasoning that goes by a long list of misleading names, including “black cumin” (it is not cumin, or at all related), “black caraway” (not caraway, nor related), “fennel flower’ (not!), “nutmeg flower... pricing and more
Cramer's Plum A modern classic Nigella bred especially for the stripeless plum-purple seedpods used in dried arrangements. The flowers are doubled white, contrasting nicely with darkening pods and lacy foliage. Best direct seeded then thinned to 6-9,” but often transplanted. In zone 7 or warmer, fall planting will promote much longer stem length in spring. pricing and more
African Bride Pure white petals subtend the ornamented violet ovary on these 18-24” tall Nigella. The ovary enlarges into a beautiful seed pod quite distinct from the other species of this genus. Useful as a fresh cut or for dried arrangements. pricing and more