Reseda spp. Mignonette is a name that might refer to several Mediterranean species in the genus Reseda that are all quite distinct. White Mignonette (R. alba) is a showy garden annual or biennial that stands erect and reaches 3’ tall, but has no fragrance. Wild Mignonette (R. lutea) is annual or perennial with greenish-yellow flowers, that has naturalized in parts of North America. Dyer’s Mignonette/Rocket/Weld (R. luteola) is a biennial that reaches 5’ tall and yields a deep yellow dye. Garden Mignonette (R. odorata) comes from North Africa and has been widely grown for its fragrance in the garden and as a source of essential oil used in perfumery. It seldom reaches 16” tall, and has a decumbent habit. All Mignonette is strongly favored by honeybees and native pollinators.
Wild Mignonette Also known as Yellow Mignonette for its creamy showering flower spikes. This is a source of yellow colorfast dye, but it is not the real Dyers Rocket/Weld (Reseda luteola) as last year's catalog identified it. (We apologize for this error that began with misidentified stock seed.) Dye is extracted from the leaves, flowers, and seedpods. The seeds are shiny, luscious, and attractive to ho... pricing and more
Garden Mignonette Napoleon is credited with bringing the fragrant species of Mignonette from Egypt to France, perhaps to please his dearest Josephine, who named the plant in French, “my favorite little one.” Though the plant is small and lax with maturity, the 3” yellowish-white flowering racemes are lit up with bright orange dangling anthers and the frenetic activity of bees. Adds perfume to bouquets, and d... pricing and more