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Flowers (201)
  Achillea/Yarrow (4)
  Ageratum/Floss Flower (1)
  Agrostemma/Corncockles (2)
  Amaranth (5)
  Ammi/False Queen Anne's Lace (2)
  Anemone/Poppy Anemone
  Armeria/Sea Pink (1)
  Artemesia (1)
  Asclepias/Milkweed (5)
  Aster/China Aster (1)
  Baptisia/False Indigo
  Belamcanda/Blackberry Lily (1)
  Bellflowers (1)
  Berlandiera/Chocolate Flower (1)
  Bupleurum/Green Gold Flower
  Calendula (6)
  Carthamus/Safflower (1)
  Catnip (1)
  Celosia (7)
  Chrysanthemum (2)
  Coreopsis (1)
  Cosmos (6)
  Craspedia/Drumstick Flower (1)
  Dahlia (2)
  Datura/Angel's Trumpets
  Daucus/Carrot, Queen Anne's Lace (1)
  Dianthus (6)
  Didiscus (4)
  Echinacea (3)
  Emilia/Tassel Flower (1)
  Eryngium (2)
  Flax (1)
  Gaillardia/Blanket Flower (1)
  Godetia/Clarkia (3)
  Golden Marguerite/Dyer's Chamomile (1)
  Gomphrena/Globe Amaranth
  Helichrysum/Straw Flower (4)
  Iberis/Candytuft (1)
  Larkspur (6)
  Linaria/Toadflax (1)
  Maltese Cross (1)
  Marigolds (3)
  Matricaria/Feverfew (4)
  Mignonette (2)
  Mirabilis/Four O'Clocks (1)
  Moluccella/Bells of Ireland (1)
  Monarda (3)
  Morning Glory (2)
  Navajo Tea (1)
  Nicandra/Shoo-fly Plant (1)
  Nicotiana (3)
  Nigella (8)
  Oenothera/Evening Primrose
  Orlaya (1)
  Poppy (11)
  Poppy, Corn (6)
  Pyrethrum/Painted Daisy
  Rudbeckia/Black-Eyed Susan (9)
  Salpiglossis/Painted Tongue (1)
  Salvia/Sage (4)
  Saponaria (1)
  Scabiosa (12)
  Schizanthus/Angel's Wings (2)
  Silene/Campion (2)
  Snapdragon (2)
  Stocks (2)
  Sweet Pea (1)
  Tithonia/Mexican Sunflower (2)
  Tobacco (1)
  Tweedia/Blue Milkweed
  Verbena (2)
  Veronica (1)
  Xeranthemum (2)
  Zinnia (22)
Amaranth (4)
Angelica (1)
Arugula (1)
Basil (8)
Beet and Chard (4)
Broccoli (1)
Burnet (1)
Celery (5)
Chervil (1)
Chickweed (1)
Collards (1)
Cress: Garden (2)
Cress: Upland (1)
Critter Mixes
Endive & Escarole (13)
Epazote (1)
Fennel (2)
Garland Chrysanthemum
Garlic Chives (1)
Giant Goosefoot
Gift Certificates (7)
Insectary Mix (2)
Kale: European (3)
Kale: Ruso-Siberian (5)
Leeks (3)
Lettuce (68)
Melon: Muskmelon
Mint: Korean (1)
Mustard: Mild (8)
Mustard: Pungent (7)
Orach (5)
Oregano (1)
Parsley (1)
Peppers (12)
Perilla/Shiso (1)
Pumpkin: Hulless Seeded
Purslane (2)
Quinoa (14)
Radish (1)
Salad Mixes (3)
Scallion (1)
Sorrel (1)
Spinach (2)
Strawberry Spinach (1)
Summer Savory (1)
T-Shirts (1)
Tomato (4)
Winter Squash
Flowers: Zinnia:
Zinnia spp.
Zinnia may well be for flower growers what ?lettuce is for truck farmers—indispensable. It must always be part of the crop mix, and it must be sown every 2 weeks for a total of about 6 sowings per year in order to maintain the best quality at the market. Like lettuce, the number of varieties and types can be overwhelming, but so can the possibilities for breeders and growers. The plant invites experimentation through all its natural variation. Attractive to so many bees and butterflies one wonders if you are in a garden or an insectary. Originated in Mexico.
Seeds Per Packet: 100
Seeds Per Gram: 82-185

Oregon Tilth Certified Organic Seed

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Displaying 1 to 22 (of 22 products) Result Pages:  1 
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 Wild Garden Zinnia Mix  Wild Garden Zinnia Mix 
This is a sampling of all the Z. elegans diversity in the seed garden, including crazy off-types and breeding project progeny. For the cut flower grower who likes spontaneity on the cheap, this is the thing. pricing and more info...
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 UV Bee Mix (Zinnia)  UV Bee Mix 
Bright fluorescing colors with a zinnia flower structure that bees prefer; a somewhat open ray petal architecture and more disc flowers providing pollen and nectar. Generally tall plants with long stems, in a wide range of colors from yellow and pink through intense reds, orange, magenta, and bi-colors in changing hues. Many plants exhibit a glowing violet ring at the base of the rays, creating a ... pricing and more info...
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 State Fair Mix (Zinnia)  State Fair Mix 
Beautifully balanced color mix of single and double flowers, old fashioned in its appeal, deeply colored, reaching over 3' for us. pricing and more info...
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 Scarlet Flame (Zinnia)  Scarlet Flame 
A long-lived dame of the American flower garden, introduced more than 80 years ago, and still burning bright at more than 3' tall and 4" across. As scarlet as red can get. pricing and more info...
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 Red Spider (Zinnia)  Red Spider 
This unusually slender zinnia is from the species Z. tenuifolia, giving it a distinctive graceful appearance in the landscape. My nephew, a landscape architect, suggested it would go perfectly with ornamental grasses. Narrow scarlet petals project from the disc singly, without overlapping at the base as other zinnias do. About 2' tall, 8-10" wide, with 1¼" flowers, these should have clo... pricing and more info...
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 Queen Lime Blush (Zinnia)  Queen Lime Blush 
The ‘Queen’ series is impressive for the densely doubled heads and completely original color schemes it features. The Lime color in it’s purest form is both innovative and astounding, and in ‘Queen Lime Blush’ we get red anthocyanin thrown in to various degrees to create colors I really don’t have a vocabulary for. Crazy beautiful, long stemmed, upright and productive. pricing and more info...
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 Pinca Mix (Zinnia)  Pinca Mix 
Wide 5" semi-double blooms look like pink, yellow, and orange sea anemones with their long reaching petals rolled into tubular tips. Sturdy 3' plants will bloom all summer. Handsome and unique, with unusual colors blending orange into violet and mauve. pricing and more info...
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 Peruviana Red (Zinnia)  Peruviana Red 
A completely different Zinnia effect than the other species we offer. Plants are finely featured, 24” tall and stiffly self-supporting, slimmer and more graceful than elegans, not so skinny-petaled as tenuifolia, and colors more muted than either. The color ranges from a rich matte red through shades of ochre to bright rust as the flower head matures. Propagate like other zinnia, spacing 6-12”... pricing and more info...
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 Persian Carpet (Zinnia)  Persian Carpet 
My introduction to the wonders of compact zinnias. These are so resplendent and low lying that you do wish you could lie down in them to watch the winged life. These are brighter in tone than the ‘Aztec Sunset,’ a mix of solid and bicolor petals in carmine, yellow, deep red, and white fringed shades. pricing and more info...
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 Peppermint Stick (Zinnia)  Peppermint Stick 
Cream to golden yellow petals are variously flecked, splashed, and blotted with shades of red dapples. A fun mix of unique patterns on 2" fully doubled blooms, plants 2-3' tall with an 8-10" spread. This variety strikes me as needing some selection to bring its colors in line with its name. The bright red-on-rich gold form doesn't strike me so much as "peppermint stick," as much as it does a "fire... pricing and more info...
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 Oklahoma Salmon (Zinnia)  Oklahoma Salmon 
NEW FOR 2024! Tidy compact blooms are 1½-2½” in diameter on sturdy stems. The salmon/coral color is gorgeous and blends well with any bouquet palette. Powdery mildew resistant plants are 30-40” tall and extremely productive. Direct seed into warm soil or start 4 weeks before transplant date, spacing plants 9-12” apart. Pinch at 12” tall to increase flower number and make a sturdy base. pricing and more info...
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 Oklahoma Mix (Zinnia)  Oklahoma Mix 
A healthy and vigorous tall mix of clear colors--red, salmon, magenta, yellow, pink and white spheres of 2-3" fully doubled blossoms. One of the most mildew resistant zinnias available, and a notably long vase life. I particularly enjoy the rounded flower form combined with the pure color brilliance on long stems. 'Oklahoma' maintains an essential and elegant form in a motley and diverse crew of ... pricing and more info...
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 Oklahoma Ivory (Zinnia)  Oklahoma Ivory 
A doubled and semi-doubled mix of Ivory tones on stout long stems with high resistance to powdery mildew. We helped Johnny’s save this variety from oblivion two years ago by planted the last 240 seeds in their inventory. Our crop was a success and the variety is once again available. Every year, there are varieties hanging in the balance between existence and loss. This is what genetic erosion l... pricing and more info...
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 OK Magic Mix (Zinnia)  OK Magic Mix 
From Oklahoma Ivory X Magic Bus, a mix of rose, magenta, apricot, coral, and cream. Doubled and semi-doubled heads to 3” across on plants 30” tall. This is a very nice beginning to a project combining the mildew resistance and sturdy heads of the Oklahoma series with a new color palette from the super-diverse Magic Bus. pricing and more info...
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 Magic Bus (Zinnia)  Magic Bus 
What do you get when you cross Baggett's biggest orange zinnia balls with Zowie color schemes? A Magic Bus of psychedelic intensities and wayward dimensions, for sure. This is a very diverse group of plant statures, degrees of doubleness, and color patterns and blends. Most of these will make good cuts, but just having them in a garden to wonder at is really good enough. The magenta and neon red c... pricing and more info...
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 Jim Baggett's Choice Mix (Zinnia)  Jim Baggett's Choice Mix 
These brilliantly hued and diversely formed zinnias come from the great Oregon State vegetable breeder Jim Baggett, who made zinnias and dahlias his backyard avocation. Huge heads on long stems in spectral extremes of orange, yellow, red, magenta, and pink, with long, sometimes rolled or quilled petals. Spectacular. pricing and more info...
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 Giant Cactus Mix (Zinnia)  Giant Cactus Mix 
These are so beautifully shaggy and big. 3' tall with mops of flower heads 3-5" across comprised of long tubular petals in yellow, cream, pink, and crimson. Karen's favorite. pricing and more info...
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 Fireball Mix (Zinnia)  Fireball Mix Farm Original Variety! OSSI Pledged Variety
The commercial zinnia 'Peppermint Stick' isn't very true to its name, having as many red-striped golden yellows (and unstriped white and yellow variations) as it does namesake red-striped whites. Those red-gold doubles are a tempting item for isolation, but I suspect that there is considerable genetic instability in that bicolor form. Thi... pricing and more info...
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 Cupcake Mix (Zinnia)  Cupcake Mix 
Another scabiosa-type zinnia mix (like Candy Mix) with a higher percentage of the more elaborated tufted disc flowers. Very bright reds and yellows, lavender, and apricot in cupcake-like mounds. Impressive stems. pricing and more info...
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Crouching and Hidden, Dragons and Tigers 
This is a blend of two hybrid zinnias allowed to make seed together. Dangerous, I realize, but someone has to do it. This is where new varieties come from. Short 20-24" plants with doubled 3" flowers of red petals with ivory tips (Dragons) and scarlet petals with golden yellow tips (Tigers), and many variations thereupon. pricing and more info...
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 Candy Mix (Zinnia)  Candy Mix 
This mix contains a distinctive sweet innovation in zinnia elaboration. Here the breeders have chosen to double and enlarge parts of the disc flowers, as opposed to the petals (ray flowers). The effect creates a mounded cupcake-like disc surrounded by bright rays. This has spawned a whole new zinnia class that some call "scabiosa" or "pincushion" types. I find the enlarged disc flowers fascinating... pricing and more info...
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 Aztec Sunset Mix (Zinnia)  Aztec Sunset Mix 
This is the short, compact zinnia species, generally 10–15” tall, but very productive on a stems/sq. ft. basis. Also less prone to mildew and other leaf grief. ‘Aztec Sunset’ is a mix of evening colors from orange-red through burgundy and into purple, fully doubled, often bicolored petals tipped in white or yellow. pricing and more info...
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