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Page Title
'Purple Coneflower'  

These sturdy perennials make wonderful cut flowers with long erect stems prolific from a basal rosette. The purple ray flowers are long lasting, and set off by the fiery orange-red discs that are often covered in bees and butterflies. Native to the eastern US, found in full sun and partial shade, often used in “meadow” plantings to good effect. This is also the preferred medicinal Echinacea species, dug for its roots after 3-4 growing seasons. Seed doesn’t require cold stratification, but a week of chilling after sowing flats may enhance germination. Space 12-24” apart; closer spacing stretches stems for best cutting, wider spacing makes bigger roots. Seed heads may be used in dried arrangements; harvest when golden and petals are easily removed. If you leave the seedheads in place, they become goldfinch feeders during southern migration, and winter feeders and shelter for feathered winter residents.

Oregon Tilth Certified Organic Seed!

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Scientific Name: Echinacea purpurea

Seed Count Information:

  • Seeds Per Packet: 200
  • Seeds Per Gram: 257
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